
Sounds That A Dog Hates!

Dogs are quite simple to please. Food walks, and attention from their favorite humans are all things they like. They live a rather basic existence, doing what their masters order them to do, or not. However, there are some noises that dogs despise. The dread of abrupt loud noises is a crucial evolutionary feature that has allowed dogs, humans, and other species to continue to exist. Reacting to unwanted noises helps activate the fight-or-flight response by allowing our instincts to take over.

Why Are Some Sounds Terrifying To Dogs?

When you turn on the vacuum, does your dog start shaking? Do they scream when thunderclaps? Or maybe they hide when the fireworks go off? If any of these apply to you and your dog, they may be experiencing noise phobia. A sudden and loud noise that appears to come from nowhere might be terrifying to us, too. It certainly doesn’t help that our canine friends have evolved to have considerably more sensitive ears than we do. Dogs have significantly more acute hearing than humans, which might explain why so many people are afraid of loud noises. Our canine companions are accustomed to hearing sounds at a considerably louder volume than we are. At Bark n walk, we give consultations for any canine condition from professional veterinarians, who will help you in the proper direction!

Noise Phobias

Dogs with noise phobias have abnormally strong sensitivities to one or more noises. It’s unclear why some dogs acquire noise phobias while others do not, although environmental and genetic variables are considered to play a role. Noise phobias are reported to be more common in dogs that were inadequately socialized as puppies. Puppies go through a “critical socializing stage,” which lasts between 12 and 14 weeks. This implies that if pups are not exposed to specific noises, sights, animals, or locations in a good way by the time they reach that age, they may acquire an aberrant fear reaction to them later in life.

Dogs might develop a dread of specific noises as a result of traumatic situations. A dog left at home all day with a chirping smoke alarm or a noisy construction project next door, for example, may link these noises with separation, dread, and loneliness. These experiences can traumatize a dog and cause them to have a strong sensitivity to similar noises in the future. Now, Bark n Walk provides an awesome resource of Dog parks in Delhi-NCR for relaxing your furry pet for this reason.

How To Recognize Such Phobia?

When noise phobic dogs hear sounds that worry them, they may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Shaking or trembling
  • Pacing
  • Panting
  • Hyper alertness
  • Whining
  • Barking
  • Drooling
  • Hiding
  • Trying to get away
  • Behaviors that are harmful
  • Indoor urination or defecation


Dogs with noise phobia

The Voices:

  • Thunderstorms

One of the most frightening sounds for dogs is thunder. However, in addition to the loud booms produced by thunderstorms, changes in barometric pressure, the scent of rain, and the look of storm clouds may all play a role in inducing storm-related dread.

  • The use of fireworks

The most common loud noises that startle dogs are fireworks. What is the reason behind this? Because fireworks are extremely loud, and their noises are random and unexpected, this is most likely the case.

  • Vacuum cleaner 

When their owners go to clean their carpets, some dogs hide. Vacuum cleaners are not only noisy, but they also roam over your dog’s area, increasing his terror.

  •  Car Security Systems

Car alarms are so loud that they often rattle windows and door frames, which might send your dog into a tizzy.

  • Balloons

Balloons have a static sensation about them that makes dogs extremely uncomfortable. That’s before they begin to pop. No one enjoys having a balloon popped near them, especially when they are not expecting it. At the very least, we know what will happen when we pop a balloon to let it go. 

  • A Crying babies

A crying baby can make loud, typically high-pitched noises that some dogs despise.

What To Do If Your Dog Has Noise Phobias?

The most essential thing for dog parents to do is to recognize and treat their pup’s aversions to loud noises early on. Here are some excellent methods for calming your anxious dog!

  • Instilling a sense of security

When dogs are terrified, you may educate them to recognize a certain location in the house as a “safe area” to escape to.

  • Relaxing Sounds

Certain noises have a relaxing impact on dogs and can assist in soothing or quieting them when the environment is too noisy or intimidating.

  • -Classical music has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in dogs living in noisy shelters.
  • Online, pet parents may find playlists or films created expressly for dogs to induce relaxing effects.
  • According to certain research, persons speaking around anxious dogs should use low, slow, and calm tones.

If you truly want your dog to relax and forget about the sounds, you could either establish a comfortable environment for him at home or take him to Bark n Walk, where you can receive everything from dog grooming to dog veterinarians.


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At Bijwasan, New Delhi, A creative dog park amidst city yet away from the hustle bustle, where dog and their parents both are welcome.