If you go by the dictionary, the word groomer announces itself as the person who keeps a pet clean and hygienic. Do you think it’s just the neatness that matters? No doubt it plays a significant role but dogs have to do a lot more than just hygiene.
To find a perfect pet groomer for your cute furry being, you must understand and explore the realms of grooming. Similar to humans, dogs too, need sessions that enhance their look, cleanliness, their fur of course, and make them even cuter so that they give you more looks to fall in love with them.

Grooming in recent years has extended itself to many edges. To make it easy one can break it into 3 divisions.
- Basic necessity: This category solely dedicates itself to the hygiene of the furry kids. It speaks of cleanliness, neatness, and to name a few. I mean everyone knows of basic bathing, nail cutting, hair trimming, ear cleaning.
- More than the basic: These are the usually “taken not so serious” ones. Many pet parents think they can manage it at home and get mistaken by skipping the process. It includes tick & flea treatment for tick removal, especially during monsoon season, de-matting, stylish hair-cuts, hair cuts as per the breed.
- The extravagant: This is something that makes your dog paparazzi ready. This kind of grooming speaks of the luxurious lifestyle of pets. It includes the fur spa, aromatherapy bath especially in summers, hair coloring, hair styling as per the occasion and of course the breed, aroma massage, pet show grooming, complete packages of grooming, tartar treatment, and to name a few.
Now assuming that you know the most about what all grooming can include, let’s jump on to the person who does it. The pet groomer. While you’re on a hunt of finding the best pet groomer for your furry kid, you must make sure certain attributes are there, in a pet groomer.
- Care is the key: When talking about pets, something that is always usual is the caring hands that they need 24 x 7. The pet groomer must have soft and caring hands over the pets.
- Knowledge: Being a pet groomer, knowing about the techniques is not enough. The right knowledge about the different types of breeds is of great importance. The do’s and don’ts, behaviors of pets, their needs, their wants, their mood when they need pampering, everything counts.
- Styling: Sense of styling is also a major factor that counts in, while you groom a dog. A pet groomer who knows how to style the pet as per their physical existence and their breed, serves the best.
- Skills: The technique is what one must know. To handle the pet, convince them, befriend them, skills to groom them perfectly, are some of the key features a pet groomer must know it all.
Once you get all these qualities in the pet groomer. That is it. You got your perfect groomer for your furry kid. Enjoy and let your kid have fun.